Clear communication is the foundation for getting your team on the same page, equipped with the right information, and ready to tackle challenges together.
That’s why we’ve introduced new features that enable you and your team to share knowledge, add context, and make collaborating with video an even more powerful experience.
Enable "Do not disturb" for interruption-free recording
If you're using the Loom desktop app on your Mac device, you can enable do-not-disturb mode to ensure your recordings are not interrupted by any unwanted notifications.
With do-not-disturb enabled, Loom will automatically silence all incoming alerts, emails, and notifications while you're recording to ensure your video is polished and interruption-free! Learn how here.

Record Internal Audio
Capture audio from Youtube, Zoom calls, webinars, music channels, and other browser players.
Loom has internal recording capabilities for your browser tab when using the Chrome extension. You can also record audio from any application on your device via the desktop app. Learn how to capture your system audio while recording with Loom here.

Coming soon: An all-new trimming experience
Now when you trim your video, audio waveforms show exactly where you’re speaking and where you’re not, making quick edits easier than ever. Keep an eye out, we'll be rolling out the new experience over the next two weeks. Watch the demo.

Loom 101: 3 tips for recording a clear and engaging video
Just getting started with video messaging? In this video, George walks through why speaking slowly, making eye contact, and sharing an outline can make a big difference.