AI Persuasive Writing for Recruiting: DISC personality, NLP, and more
22 mins
In this video: 1) Generating Specific Job Descriptions 2) Expanding them into persuasive Job Ads 3) Customizing the Persuasive Messaging to DISC Personality Types 4) Trying to write for NLP Metaprograms, Towards vs Away orientations 5) Expanding the recruiting Assets to multiple uses: job boards, facebook, etc. 6) Using the tool to create SOPs for recruiting, including strategy and tactics 7) Using the tool to create more ideas for where to recruit good candidates Don't forget you can use the transcript (scroll over the video and look in the upper left) to hop around more quickly! If you want to see the entire AI Content Drive, find it here: If you're looking for assistance on your recruitment strategy, we specialize in working with Home Service and Commercial contractors. Send an email to to inquire about support options.
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Hey everybody, I'm Morgan Knox here with another tutorial for a use case for some of the AI writing tools. So as you'll see in the template here for this exercise, I was using a chat g p t alternative or an analog that's called Chat Sonic.
So it's part of the Write Sonic platform. It looks like right now the chat Sonic tool is free up to 25 generations a day.
So kind of similar to chat G P T. I know that there were some capacity issues, the chat G p t recently.
So if you're not able to get in on that platform sign up for a free trial and give write Sonic a try.
Okay, so we were working through a really interesting exercise with a contractor client of mine where we were trying to design some role descriptions, job ads, and put in a plan in place for a recruiting funnel for a new role in his team, which is gonna be a technician role.
So he's starting to scale up. So we actually ran through a pretty lengthy exercise here and some of the key takeaways that I wanted to share with you guys from this exercise, and I'll run you through the inputs here in a moment, that we were able to successfully use the tool to generate some really
detailed job descriptions and role descriptions for this tech. Even including some pretty hyper-specific pieces for this industry and this role.
So some pretty simple inputs were able to get us some pretty dynamic outputs. So I'll show you how we did that.
We took that roles and responsibilities job description, and we tweaked it and gave it some adjustments and had it rewrite it in the form of a job advertisement.
So an advertisement is usually going to include the role description, but it has some different pieces including some persuasive narrative at the top of a job advertisement cuz we're trying to, you know, recruit people and advertise them into wanting to perform that role.
So we successfully generated some advertisements from it. And then this is a really interesting use case from this. My client knew that he had some particular disk personality types that are tend to be very successful in this role and successful in working with him as a team member.
So we started testing the capabilities of the AI to rewrite persuasive portions of the job advertisements to attract specific personality types.
So we put in inputs like rewrite this to attract and persuade an s sc personality from the disk profile personality types.
And we did this with several different versions of the disk personality types. So I will show you guys what those outputs looked like.
The end result there we were pretty impressed with. So it did a really good job of customizing the job advertisements to that end.
So I really wanted to highlight that use case because no matter what you guys are writing, if you're writing marketing content, if you are doing job advertising a advertisements, I think that highlights some really great use cases, which is if you can ask the tool to appeal to a very particular
audience, it seems to be pretty capable of making adjustments to the way that it's writing to appeal to whatever end user you're really looking for.
So because I was doing that so successfully, I actually started to add some additional feedback in there when it comes
To, to studying communication and persuasive communication for negotiation purposes. I'm a big fan of N L P or Neurolinguistic Programming principles.
So kind of a quick highlight of N L P. This is a communication framework that was really popular in the seventies and eighties still pretty popular with some niche audiences among copywriters and marketers and things like that because N L P has some really great frameworks for identifying how people
communicate and what sorts of frameworks and paradigms people are thinking in. So one of the key ones that you'll see later on in this tutorial is that I most of the time when you write job advertisements, the norm is that everything in a job advertisement is a very proactive or a very toward oriented
, toward facing approach. So it's all about what do you, what do you want? You wanna seek this, you wanna seek that, you wanna seek that.
But half of the population tends to have more of what we call an away orientation, which is that whenever you ask them something like, what's important to you in your work, instead of saying, I want to be self-directed, I want great pay, I want to work on a great team, they tend to talk more in terms
of what they wanna move away from. And I like to think of this as boundary oriented thinking, which is the way I was describing it when we were doing this exercise.
So if you ask somebody with an away orientation what is important to them in their work as an example, they will tend to say things like I don't want to be beholden to a really restrictive schedule.
I don't want to work with people that don't appreciate me. So they're gonna say things that are a little more boundary oriented or the things that they wanna move away from.
What's important about realizing this, this communication paradigm is that people are really predisposed to being one way or the other.
And when you're trying to write persuasively for one audience, if you're focused only on one side of that paradigm, your writing is gonna really resonate with the people that naturally are oriented towards that side of the paradigm, but it's gonna fall flat with other people.
So because I noticed that the job advertisements were all coming in with this very positive or toward orientation on things, I started playing around later on in the tutorial seeing if I could get the, the chat bot to start to reframe some of the sayings.
And we had a little bit of mixed success with that. It wasn't as good at picking up on my references to N L P principles with the inputs that I was putting in.
It wasn't as good at at that identifying that as it was at identifying disk. And that's probably due to the popularity of those two things.
Right now NLP just isn't, isn't referenced as much. So I changed my phrasings a little bit on what I was asking to kind of coach it towards what I wanted.
And I did end up getting some pretty successful generations out there that did a good job of hitting both of those toward and away orientations, which I'll walk you guys through here in a minute.
Okay, so let's jump on it. So we started off first with asking it to write detailed job descriptions for, and we used very specific terminology that's pretty industry
Specific. Specific, a lead exterior washing tech for a soft wash and power washing for soft washing and power washing services.
So I was pretty specific in the formula here. I need a detailed job description, not a general job description. The role is called lead exterior washing tech.
That gives it some really good information about the, what the role is, but I added some more information by saying that it's for soft wash and power washing services.
If you were trying to get other types of services like window washing or mobile detailing or things like that, you'd wanna be really specific if you can, about what kind of services this role is gonna be performing.
So if you guys click into the link here in the loom video, I'll put a call to action link with this document.
You guys have a copy of it so you can see the whole thing.
You can see that it did come out with a really good output with some good detail in here. Now this job description does have some qualifications in here.
These are the types of things that you're gonna wanna edit, right? So it's coming up with a really good base template, but you're gonna go in and you're gonna make adjustments to something like that if you're using this in your business or you're using this, using this for a recruiting funnel.
Okay? So we keep iterating on this, write more information about the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. So then it gives me more information about the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities for the role.
It addeds some additional detail and you'll notice that this detail is very hyper-specific to that industry, which is really what we want.
So we didn't have to spend a lot of time explaining or coaching it about what kinds of information we needed.
So it gets five stars for that. So now we asked it to actually swap to writing a job advertisement instead of just a job description, right?
So the first one is very descriptive of the role and what the role requires, but now it's changed the framing too, we are looking for.
So this is something you could basically copy and paste into a job board indeed or something like that. So we're gonna go ahead and jump on down here and we asked it to then rewrite the job advertisement to be a little more narrative in the beginning cuz we want it to be more persuasive.
So I ask it persuade someone to leave a job that they don't enjoy as much to work for our company as this role.
So then it starts changing its phrasing. Are you looking for a rewarding career?
Join our team, be part of something bigger. We're looking for motivated, detail-oriented individuals. So you can see that it's getting really good with the more creative writing component here.
I wanted to see what it gave me for general persuasive writing before I started asking it to adapt different personality types.
So this was kind of my baseline before we jumped into seeing what it did whenever we put in different personality types.
So when we first started this, we weren't sure if it was going to be able to identify personality types at all, but it did seem to be very, very responsive.
So in the next three we did three different runs with three different personality type combinations. I've highlighted in each color the differences and phrasings from iteration to iteration.
So it makes it a little easier for you guys to screen. So the first one I asked it to rewrite the ad to be very persuasive and attract people with an SI disk personality profile type.
So again, when you guys are playing around with the phrasing in here with your inputs, just be mindful about how you're phrasing things.
If it doesn't give you what you want at first, you might just need to think about how, how you're phrasing something.
Okay, so when I asked it to attract people with an si it changed some phrases. Now it's asking are you fast paced and detail oriented, looking for a rewarding career and started using phrases like make a difference, an ambitious, energetic individual.
And once you, if you wanna provide top-notch services. And here it talks about some descriptors of the role and there were pieces that were really consistent from add to add, but there were small adjustments based on the personality type.
So in this one for an SI personality type, it references that part of your responsibilities with the team is boosting team morale.
And then at the end here it says, put your leadership skills to use in a fast-paced and rewarding environment. And then on the closer it reiterates some of those keynotes from before sis, if you're an ambitious high energy individual looking for a challenging career, we wanna hear from you, apply today
, become part of something bigger. Now let's see how that compares to when I asked it to write for an SC personality type.
Now the client business owner that I was working with is an SC personality type who has performed this role, works really well with other SC personality type.
So the, here's how the AI changed it. So if you'll reference up here for si it asked about fast-paced detail-oriented individuals.
But now when we ask it about an sc it changes, it changes context and says, are you friendly? Are you organized?
Do you wanna make a difference?
Are you reliable detail-oriented? Providing excellent soft wash, power wash, soft wash and power washing instead of top notch. So it just changed small phrases there.
Here it says creating a supportive team environment instead of before when it was saying boosting team morale. So those are some of those different keys that are part of these personality types.
And SI has a high influence. So boosting team morale is something that's gonna be within an SI skillset as an influencer here, an SC tends to be much more of a support role and you see that reflected in the job description.
And then finally it emphasizes it's a great opportunity to utilize your communication and organizational skills and then it wraps it up with a recap, friendly, organized individual.
You wanna make a difference become part of something bigger is what it says. And that's become part of something bigger is what it says on both of these.
Finally, I got curious. I am a DI personality type, so I was very curious to see what it would say whenever we were trying to attract a DI personality type.
So here we go with a di it describes them. Are you a motivated, independent individual looking for a rewarding career and something that you wanna make a difference?
We're looking for ambitious results, results-oriented individuals. These are all really, really iconic key markers of a di personality type. You wanna be providing exceptional services.
This is playing into some of that, you know, high achieving ego that DI's are well known for setting high performance standards.
Again, ensuring quality services are provided to clients. Put your leadership and problem solving skills to use in a fast paced and rewarding environment.
In my opinion, this thing is hitting the nail on the head for these different personality types and the type of persuasive writing that it's doing in this.
So the implications here are massive. You can take documents that you have in the business already. You can run things that already exist through this engine and ask it to rewrite it in different tones to appeal to different audiences.
This is a, this is a game changer when it comes to persuasive and negotiated type writing. Closes up here with motivated independent individual looking to make a positive impact.
Okay, so all, all told we were really, really impressed. The next part of the video is where we get into adding a little bit more detail.
So I like for job enrolled descriptions to read a little bit more long form in the top. We want it to be a little more narrative trying to persuade and describe to people why they wanna work for our business.
We wanna pull them into the story, see themselves in the story of why they wanna leave the other position, why they should apply to work for us.
So here I ask it to write some persuasive job advertisement paragraphs that describe the benefits of working with a company that provides a variety of places to work.
We talk about how, you know, some of the key pieces of this role. It's an independent working environment, it's an act of job that keeps you up and moving.
We talked about the benefits of working with a team that's supportive, happy to help you improve your skills. So here we're trying to personalize this a lot more to the specific role and to the specific company.
So the output was really good. Are you looking for a rewarding career that'll challenge you, help you grow, enjoy the benefits of working with a company that provides a variety of places to work in an independent working environment.
Teams passionate about helping everyone be successful and you guys can kind of read it on from there.
So it did a really good job on hitting all of the notes that I mentioned that really make this piece feel much more custom to this particular role.
So just know that you can start with something a little more generic. If you had a sample or a copy of something you've seen online, plug it in as a foundational starting point and then just keep building from there.
Okay the next piece, this is where I got curious. It did a really good job of identifying personality types from the disc profiles.
I would say anything else that's really well known or popular right now, it's gonna have an easier time identifying those trends and patterns from your directions.
So I got a little curious and started experimenting around with will it recognize directions related to N L P standards when I reference metaprograms.
So this is very specific jargon and terminology.
Very, very specific to these N L P these N L P paradigms. You'll see also my input used in acronym for N L p.
My, I might have better luck with this if I go in later and I adjust my phrasing. If I write it out instead of putting in the acronym N L p, if I actually say neurolinguistic programming, that's probably gonna help the bot in the way that I'm coaching it.
I didn't spend that much time on it this time, but just something for you guys to keep in mind. Okay.
So like I mentioned before, I was very curious to see, see can it shift the normal, the normally very toward proactive type of framing from a job advertisement to something that's a little more away oriented.
I want it to appeal to people that are thinking about things that they wanna get away from in their jobs and their environments right now.
So when I asked it to do that, it really didn't make much, didn't really make any changes in the direction I wanted.
It made some small adjustments to this output, but it wasn't really hitting the nail on the head for what I was looking for.
So I started to try to be a little more creative in the way that I was asking it. I asked it to rewrite that job advertisement to describe some of the negative experiences that candidates want to escape from by joining our team.
So it does do that. It incorporates things that people are looking to escape from in their jobs. It does mention escaping the mundane nine to five grind.
We understand the importance of avoiding a rigid work schedule. So that's an away orientation. Escaping them. The mundane nine to five grind is an away orientation.
Let's see what else.
We have importance of staying active. That's a toward orientation. Responsible for training new staff, creating a supportive team that's a tour.
And then being expected to adhere to all these other pieces. So a lot of this is still very toward orientation facing, which I think is because this bots obviously are trained on responding with the things that people most often wanna see in the norm for job advertisements specifically is usually
very, very toward oriented towards what we're moving, what we're moving toward. It does kind of go back to some away orientation, but it's getting a little repetitive.
It's restating the things that it said before. So my, my assumption here is that using an advertisement as a phrase, using a job advertisement as the key for that input is really pushing and prompting the bot to meet, to be much more toward facing than I was kind of looking for.
So I changed tactics a bit. So we started having it brainstorm. What are things that motivate people to change jobs because they're trying to avoid them.
So it gives us a pretty good list here. Okay, these are things people don't like in their workplaces. So then I said, write a list of things about, you know, people say about their jobs are unsatisfactory that don't make them feel appreciated.
And I asked it to change the narrative point of view. I want it to be a second person narrative point of view because in the job advertisement I wanna write in the second person as much as I can.
So it's appealing to them as the reader. I want them to see themselves in the story of the job advertisement.
So it sa it did a really good job of that. It translated the list, it did a second person orientation except for number six.
It did a a first person. But I was really happy with that as a as a shift. So then I asked it to rewrite those points as a narrative paragraph describing the things people are looking to move away from.
So it did it, but this paragraph reads a little bit more like an article. It's not so much like something from a job advertisement.
So I asked it to rewrite it as part of a job advertisement. As soon as I did that, it swapped right back to that toward orientation.
So again, this is kind of emphasizing my original thought, which is is that job advertisements tend to be very toward and proactive oriented.
And the second that I introduced that as part of the request, that's exactly what it jumped back into. So that was really interesting for me to see.
So then I said, well maybe we can get really specific with the phrase and I asked it to write the job advertisement paragraph all about are you tired of because are you tired of, is a very specific away orientation.
So I'm being, I'm kind of forcing it to do what I want it to do from that and it does exactly that.
So it gives me a string of information very closely mirroring the list of things that it already gave me about what things people are looking to avoid in their jobs.
And it gives it to me, are you tired? Are you tired? Are you tired? So this is probably a little more redundancy than I than I want in the middle of a job advertisement, but I could pick and choose lines from this and work it into something that has more towards.
So I ha swap back and forth, right? If I can interweave things with those different orientations, then it's not gonna fall flat with half of my audience.
It's gonna be really appealing to both people who are, who are reading something like that.
This also is pretty neat for marketing copy. You could always do something in a newsletter or you know a website page that's trying to recruit people where you can do a bulleted list like that.
That type of thing is easy for people to read and it really appeals to them. If you're gonna use some repetition like this I would probably frame this in a job advertisement like, are you tired of colon?
And then I would put a bulleted list of all of the things that people are tired of that's gonna really resonate with people that are trying to avoid some things in their workplace.
So finally I asked it to write a Facebook ad for the job description. So I wanted to make sure that we spent some time not only building out the role description and building out the job advertisement for job boards.
I wanted it to help me with some other things that I'm just gonna use as part of this recruiting strategy.
So I had it create a Facebook ad for me. I would go run this ad almost exactly as it's written.
It would reference back to whatever application or job board we were using. I didn't go this far in this exercise, but absolutely don't underestimate the ability to have this then write recruiting emails for you.
Direct messages, scripts for phone calls. I've had it write all kinds of crazy things. So just know that you could have it keep iterating on one base document so that it's applicable for all of these use cases.
Finally, I wanted to leave this client with some really specific action items on what they need to be doing for recruiting for this role.
So I asked it to give me a list of hiring tactics.
So boom, it's given me some different tactics and things that you can use to be more effective at recruiting. The next piece piece was I asked it to write a recruiting plan for hiring a team member, including and, and I had a typo here.
I actually put including host to find candidates I meant to write, including how to find candidates. It knew that I had a typo in there and it just corrected that for me.
So it still gave me a really clean output talking about all of the steps that you should go through for recruiting.
So this is an s o p, this is a standard
Operating procedure for recruiting. You could hand this to a team member and ask them to execute on it. Finally, I wanted to ask it some more informational pieces about where are the best places to post job ads recruit for a new employee.
And it gave me a whole host of ideas from job ads to job boards, social media, mobile platforms, going to recruiting events and so on.
So as you can see here, we covered a lot of ground in a relatively short amount of time when we were working through this exercise.
We did everything from generating the original strategy for how you need to go about the steps that you need to follow for recruiting a new team member to actually knocking out multiple pieces of those steps all in one tool.
We took a very, very simple introductory sentence and were able to create long form job descriptions that were very industry specific.
We were able to adapt those to different personality types so that they would be more persuasive to people depending on who they are and their perspective on the world, kind of where they are in their professional journey.
So that's gonna be a really big benefit when we're trying really hard to recruit in a competitive job market. And it gave us multiple different versions of these recruitment assets as we would call them in the recruiting space in order to knock out some of these different parts of the recruiting
funnel. So I hope that this was an interesting and helpful explanation for you guys. I really enjoyed creating these tutorials for you all about how we've been using the AI to boost us and our business development and some of the client work that we do.
This is a great way to take these steps and DIY it for yourself if you are going through one of these recruitment processes.
And something that I wanted to mention to you guys is that in my consulting agency, we do and have been working quite a bit with contractors specifically lately on some recruitment campaigns.
So if this is something that you guys are interested in having some additional support on we have really cost effective pricing strategy for stepping in and facilitating hiring of this type for you.
So you can reach out in the reach out in the notes here. Talk to you guys soon. Bye.
Show Transcript
Hey everybody, I'm Morgan Knox here with another tutorial for a use case for some of the AI writing tools. So as you'll see in the template here for this exercise, I was using a chat g p t alternative or an analog that's called Chat Sonic.
So it's part of the Write Sonic platform. It looks like right now the chat Sonic tool is free up to 25 generations a day.
So kind of similar to chat G P T. I know that there were some capacity issues, the chat G p t recently.
So if you're not able to get in on that platform sign up for a free trial and give write Sonic a try.
Okay, so we were working through a really interesting exercise with a contractor client of mine where we were trying to design some role descriptions, job ads, and put in a plan in place for a recruiting funnel for a new role in his team, which is gonna be a technician role.
So he's starting to scale up. So we actually ran through a pretty lengthy exercise here and some of the key takeaways that I wanted to share with you guys from this exercise, and I'll run you through the inputs here in a moment, that we were able to successfully use the tool to generate some really
detailed job descriptions and role descriptions for this tech. Even including some pretty hyper-specific pieces for this industry and this role.
So some pretty simple inputs were able to get us some pretty dynamic outputs. So I'll show you how we did that.
We took that roles and responsibilities job description, and we tweaked it and gave it some adjustments and had it rewrite it in the form of a job advertisement.
So an advertisement is usually going to include the role description, but it has some different pieces including some persuasive narrative at the top of a job advertisement cuz we're trying to, you know, recruit people and advertise them into wanting to perform that role.
So we successfully generated some advertisements from it. And then this is a really interesting use case from this. My client knew that he had some particular disk personality types that are tend to be very successful in this role and successful in working with him as a team member.
So we started testing the capabilities of the AI to rewrite persuasive portions of the job advertisements to attract specific personality types.
So we put in inputs like rewrite this to attract and persuade an s sc personality from the disk profile personality types.
And we did this with several different versions of the disk personality types. So I will show you guys what those outputs looked like.
The end result there we were pretty impressed with. So it did a really good job of customizing the job advertisements to that end.
So I really wanted to highlight that use case because no matter what you guys are writing, if you're writing marketing content, if you are doing job advertising a advertisements, I think that highlights some really great use cases, which is if you can ask the tool to appeal to a very particular
audience, it seems to be pretty capable of making adjustments to the way that it's writing to appeal to whatever end user you're really looking for.
So because I was doing that so successfully, I actually started to add some additional feedback in there when it comes
To, to studying communication and persuasive communication for negotiation purposes. I'm a big fan of N L P or Neurolinguistic Programming principles.
So kind of a quick highlight of N L P. This is a communication framework that was really popular in the seventies and eighties still pretty popular with some niche audiences among copywriters and marketers and things like that because N L P has some really great frameworks for identifying how people
communicate and what sorts of frameworks and paradigms people are thinking in. So one of the key ones that you'll see later on in this tutorial is that I most of the time when you write job advertisements, the norm is that everything in a job advertisement is a very proactive or a very toward oriented
, toward facing approach. So it's all about what do you, what do you want? You wanna seek this, you wanna seek that, you wanna seek that.
But half of the population tends to have more of what we call an away orientation, which is that whenever you ask them something like, what's important to you in your work, instead of saying, I want to be self-directed, I want great pay, I want to work on a great team, they tend to talk more in terms
of what they wanna move away from. And I like to think of this as boundary oriented thinking, which is the way I was describing it when we were doing this exercise.
So if you ask somebody with an away orientation what is important to them in their work as an example, they will tend to say things like I don't want to be beholden to a really restrictive schedule.
I don't want to work with people that don't appreciate me. So they're gonna say things that are a little more boundary oriented or the things that they wanna move away from.
What's important about realizing this, this communication paradigm is that people are really predisposed to being one way or the other.
And when you're trying to write persuasively for one audience, if you're focused only on one side of that paradigm, your writing is gonna really resonate with the people that naturally are oriented towards that side of the paradigm, but it's gonna fall flat with other people.
So because I noticed that the job advertisements were all coming in with this very positive or toward orientation on things, I started playing around later on in the tutorial seeing if I could get the, the chat bot to start to reframe some of the sayings.
And we had a little bit of mixed success with that. It wasn't as good at picking up on my references to N L P principles with the inputs that I was putting in.
It wasn't as good at at that identifying that as it was at identifying disk. And that's probably due to the popularity of those two things.
Right now NLP just isn't, isn't referenced as much. So I changed my phrasings a little bit on what I was asking to kind of coach it towards what I wanted.
And I did end up getting some pretty successful generations out there that did a good job of hitting both of those toward and away orientations, which I'll walk you guys through here in a minute.
Okay, so let's jump on it. So we started off first with asking it to write detailed job descriptions for, and we used very specific terminology that's pretty industry
Specific. Specific, a lead exterior washing tech for a soft wash and power washing for soft washing and power washing services.
So I was pretty specific in the formula here. I need a detailed job description, not a general job description. The role is called lead exterior washing tech.
That gives it some really good information about the, what the role is, but I added some more information by saying that it's for soft wash and power washing services.
If you were trying to get other types of services like window washing or mobile detailing or things like that, you'd wanna be really specific if you can, about what kind of services this role is gonna be performing.
So if you guys click into the link here in the loom video, I'll put a call to action link with this document.
You guys have a copy of it so you can see the whole thing.
You can see that it did come out with a really good output with some good detail in here. Now this job description does have some qualifications in here.
These are the types of things that you're gonna wanna edit, right? So it's coming up with a really good base template, but you're gonna go in and you're gonna make adjustments to something like that if you're using this in your business or you're using this, using this for a recruiting funnel.
Okay? So we keep iterating on this, write more information about the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities. So then it gives me more information about the day-to-day tasks and responsibilities for the role.
It addeds some additional detail and you'll notice that this detail is very hyper-specific to that industry, which is really what we want.
So we didn't have to spend a lot of time explaining or coaching it about what kinds of information we needed.
So it gets five stars for that. So now we asked it to actually swap to writing a job advertisement instead of just a job description, right?
So the first one is very descriptive of the role and what the role requires, but now it's changed the framing too, we are looking for.
So this is something you could basically copy and paste into a job board indeed or something like that. So we're gonna go ahead and jump on down here and we asked it to then rewrite the job advertisement to be a little more narrative in the beginning cuz we want it to be more persuasive.
So I ask it persuade someone to leave a job that they don't enjoy as much to work for our company as this role.
So then it starts changing its phrasing. Are you looking for a rewarding career?
Join our team, be part of something bigger. We're looking for motivated, detail-oriented individuals. So you can see that it's getting really good with the more creative writing component here.
I wanted to see what it gave me for general persuasive writing before I started asking it to adapt different personality types.
So this was kind of my baseline before we jumped into seeing what it did whenever we put in different personality types.
So when we first started this, we weren't sure if it was going to be able to identify personality types at all, but it did seem to be very, very responsive.
So in the next three we did three different runs with three different personality type combinations. I've highlighted in each color the differences and phrasings from iteration to iteration.
So it makes it a little easier for you guys to screen. So the first one I asked it to rewrite the ad to be very persuasive and attract people with an SI disk personality profile type.
So again, when you guys are playing around with the phrasing in here with your inputs, just be mindful about how you're phrasing things.
If it doesn't give you what you want at first, you might just need to think about how, how you're phrasing something.
Okay, so when I asked it to attract people with an si it changed some phrases. Now it's asking are you fast paced and detail oriented, looking for a rewarding career and started using phrases like make a difference, an ambitious, energetic individual.
And once you, if you wanna provide top-notch services. And here it talks about some descriptors of the role and there were pieces that were really consistent from add to add, but there were small adjustments based on the personality type.
So in this one for an SI personality type, it references that part of your responsibilities with the team is boosting team morale.
And then at the end here it says, put your leadership skills to use in a fast-paced and rewarding environment. And then on the closer it reiterates some of those keynotes from before sis, if you're an ambitious high energy individual looking for a challenging career, we wanna hear from you, apply today
, become part of something bigger. Now let's see how that compares to when I asked it to write for an SC personality type.
Now the client business owner that I was working with is an SC personality type who has performed this role, works really well with other SC personality type.
So the, here's how the AI changed it. So if you'll reference up here for si it asked about fast-paced detail-oriented individuals.
But now when we ask it about an sc it changes, it changes context and says, are you friendly? Are you organized?
Do you wanna make a difference?
Are you reliable detail-oriented? Providing excellent soft wash, power wash, soft wash and power washing instead of top notch. So it just changed small phrases there.
Here it says creating a supportive team environment instead of before when it was saying boosting team morale. So those are some of those different keys that are part of these personality types.
And SI has a high influence. So boosting team morale is something that's gonna be within an SI skillset as an influencer here, an SC tends to be much more of a support role and you see that reflected in the job description.
And then finally it emphasizes it's a great opportunity to utilize your communication and organizational skills and then it wraps it up with a recap, friendly, organized individual.
You wanna make a difference become part of something bigger is what it says. And that's become part of something bigger is what it says on both of these.
Finally, I got curious. I am a DI personality type, so I was very curious to see what it would say whenever we were trying to attract a DI personality type.
So here we go with a di it describes them. Are you a motivated, independent individual looking for a rewarding career and something that you wanna make a difference?
We're looking for ambitious results, results-oriented individuals. These are all really, really iconic key markers of a di personality type. You wanna be providing exceptional services.
This is playing into some of that, you know, high achieving ego that DI's are well known for setting high performance standards.
Again, ensuring quality services are provided to clients. Put your leadership and problem solving skills to use in a fast paced and rewarding environment.
In my opinion, this thing is hitting the nail on the head for these different personality types and the type of persuasive writing that it's doing in this.
So the implications here are massive. You can take documents that you have in the business already. You can run things that already exist through this engine and ask it to rewrite it in different tones to appeal to different audiences.
This is a, this is a game changer when it comes to persuasive and negotiated type writing. Closes up here with motivated independent individual looking to make a positive impact.
Okay, so all, all told we were really, really impressed. The next part of the video is where we get into adding a little bit more detail.
So I like for job enrolled descriptions to read a little bit more long form in the top. We want it to be a little more narrative trying to persuade and describe to people why they wanna work for our business.
We wanna pull them into the story, see themselves in the story of why they wanna leave the other position, why they should apply to work for us.
So here I ask it to write some persuasive job advertisement paragraphs that describe the benefits of working with a company that provides a variety of places to work.
We talk about how, you know, some of the key pieces of this role. It's an independent working environment, it's an act of job that keeps you up and moving.
We talked about the benefits of working with a team that's supportive, happy to help you improve your skills. So here we're trying to personalize this a lot more to the specific role and to the specific company.
So the output was really good. Are you looking for a rewarding career that'll challenge you, help you grow, enjoy the benefits of working with a company that provides a variety of places to work in an independent working environment.
Teams passionate about helping everyone be successful and you guys can kind of read it on from there.
So it did a really good job on hitting all of the notes that I mentioned that really make this piece feel much more custom to this particular role.
So just know that you can start with something a little more generic. If you had a sample or a copy of something you've seen online, plug it in as a foundational starting point and then just keep building from there.
Okay the next piece, this is where I got curious. It did a really good job of identifying personality types from the disc profiles.
I would say anything else that's really well known or popular right now, it's gonna have an easier time identifying those trends and patterns from your directions.
So I got a little curious and started experimenting around with will it recognize directions related to N L P standards when I reference metaprograms.
So this is very specific jargon and terminology.
Very, very specific to these N L P these N L P paradigms. You'll see also my input used in acronym for N L p.
My, I might have better luck with this if I go in later and I adjust my phrasing. If I write it out instead of putting in the acronym N L p, if I actually say neurolinguistic programming, that's probably gonna help the bot in the way that I'm coaching it.
I didn't spend that much time on it this time, but just something for you guys to keep in mind. Okay.
So like I mentioned before, I was very curious to see, see can it shift the normal, the normally very toward proactive type of framing from a job advertisement to something that's a little more away oriented.
I want it to appeal to people that are thinking about things that they wanna get away from in their jobs and their environments right now.
So when I asked it to do that, it really didn't make much, didn't really make any changes in the direction I wanted.
It made some small adjustments to this output, but it wasn't really hitting the nail on the head for what I was looking for.
So I started to try to be a little more creative in the way that I was asking it. I asked it to rewrite that job advertisement to describe some of the negative experiences that candidates want to escape from by joining our team.
So it does do that. It incorporates things that people are looking to escape from in their jobs. It does mention escaping the mundane nine to five grind.
We understand the importance of avoiding a rigid work schedule. So that's an away orientation. Escaping them. The mundane nine to five grind is an away orientation.
Let's see what else.
We have importance of staying active. That's a toward orientation. Responsible for training new staff, creating a supportive team that's a tour.
And then being expected to adhere to all these other pieces. So a lot of this is still very toward orientation facing, which I think is because this bots obviously are trained on responding with the things that people most often wanna see in the norm for job advertisements specifically is usually
very, very toward oriented towards what we're moving, what we're moving toward. It does kind of go back to some away orientation, but it's getting a little repetitive.
It's restating the things that it said before. So my, my assumption here is that using an advertisement as a phrase, using a job advertisement as the key for that input is really pushing and prompting the bot to meet, to be much more toward facing than I was kind of looking for.
So I changed tactics a bit. So we started having it brainstorm. What are things that motivate people to change jobs because they're trying to avoid them.
So it gives us a pretty good list here. Okay, these are things people don't like in their workplaces. So then I said, write a list of things about, you know, people say about their jobs are unsatisfactory that don't make them feel appreciated.
And I asked it to change the narrative point of view. I want it to be a second person narrative point of view because in the job advertisement I wanna write in the second person as much as I can.
So it's appealing to them as the reader. I want them to see themselves in the story of the job advertisement.
So it sa it did a really good job of that. It translated the list, it did a second person orientation except for number six.
It did a a first person. But I was really happy with that as a as a shift. So then I asked it to rewrite those points as a narrative paragraph describing the things people are looking to move away from.
So it did it, but this paragraph reads a little bit more like an article. It's not so much like something from a job advertisement.
So I asked it to rewrite it as part of a job advertisement. As soon as I did that, it swapped right back to that toward orientation.
So again, this is kind of emphasizing my original thought, which is is that job advertisements tend to be very toward and proactive oriented.
And the second that I introduced that as part of the request, that's exactly what it jumped back into. So that was really interesting for me to see.
So then I said, well maybe we can get really specific with the phrase and I asked it to write the job advertisement paragraph all about are you tired of because are you tired of, is a very specific away orientation.
So I'm being, I'm kind of forcing it to do what I want it to do from that and it does exactly that.
So it gives me a string of information very closely mirroring the list of things that it already gave me about what things people are looking to avoid in their jobs.
And it gives it to me, are you tired? Are you tired? Are you tired? So this is probably a little more redundancy than I than I want in the middle of a job advertisement, but I could pick and choose lines from this and work it into something that has more towards.
So I ha swap back and forth, right? If I can interweave things with those different orientations, then it's not gonna fall flat with half of my audience.
It's gonna be really appealing to both people who are, who are reading something like that.
This also is pretty neat for marketing copy. You could always do something in a newsletter or you know a website page that's trying to recruit people where you can do a bulleted list like that.
That type of thing is easy for people to read and it really appeals to them. If you're gonna use some repetition like this I would probably frame this in a job advertisement like, are you tired of colon?
And then I would put a bulleted list of all of the things that people are tired of that's gonna really resonate with people that are trying to avoid some things in their workplace.
So finally I asked it to write a Facebook ad for the job description. So I wanted to make sure that we spent some time not only building out the role description and building out the job advertisement for job boards.
I wanted it to help me with some other things that I'm just gonna use as part of this recruiting strategy.
So I had it create a Facebook ad for me. I would go run this ad almost exactly as it's written.
It would reference back to whatever application or job board we were using. I didn't go this far in this exercise, but absolutely don't underestimate the ability to have this then write recruiting emails for you.
Direct messages, scripts for phone calls. I've had it write all kinds of crazy things. So just know that you could have it keep iterating on one base document so that it's applicable for all of these use cases.
Finally, I wanted to leave this client with some really specific action items on what they need to be doing for recruiting for this role.
So I asked it to give me a list of hiring tactics.
So boom, it's given me some different tactics and things that you can use to be more effective at recruiting. The next piece piece was I asked it to write a recruiting plan for hiring a team member, including and, and I had a typo here.
I actually put including host to find candidates I meant to write, including how to find candidates. It knew that I had a typo in there and it just corrected that for me.
So it still gave me a really clean output talking about all of the steps that you should go through for recruiting.
So this is an s o p, this is a standard
Operating procedure for recruiting. You could hand this to a team member and ask them to execute on it. Finally, I wanted to ask it some more informational pieces about where are the best places to post job ads recruit for a new employee.
And it gave me a whole host of ideas from job ads to job boards, social media, mobile platforms, going to recruiting events and so on.
So as you can see here, we covered a lot of ground in a relatively short amount of time when we were working through this exercise.
We did everything from generating the original strategy for how you need to go about the steps that you need to follow for recruiting a new team member to actually knocking out multiple pieces of those steps all in one tool.
We took a very, very simple introductory sentence and were able to create long form job descriptions that were very industry specific.
We were able to adapt those to different personality types so that they would be more persuasive to people depending on who they are and their perspective on the world, kind of where they are in their professional journey.
So that's gonna be a really big benefit when we're trying really hard to recruit in a competitive job market. And it gave us multiple different versions of these recruitment assets as we would call them in the recruiting space in order to knock out some of these different parts of the recruiting
funnel. So I hope that this was an interesting and helpful explanation for you guys. I really enjoyed creating these tutorials for you all about how we've been using the AI to boost us and our business development and some of the client work that we do.
This is a great way to take these steps and DIY it for yourself if you are going through one of these recruitment processes.
And something that I wanted to mention to you guys is that in my consulting agency, we do and have been working quite a bit with contractors specifically lately on some recruitment campaigns.
So if this is something that you guys are interested in having some additional support on we have really cost effective pricing strategy for stepping in and facilitating hiring of this type for you.
So you can reach out in the reach out in the notes here. Talk to you guys soon. Bye.
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