How do I get more people to view my Looms? (6 min- watch in 1.5x speed)
5 mins
Show Transcript
Hey Serena, this is Brittany again. Wanted to record a quick loom for you on how to get more people to view your looms.
And I'm gonna show you some of my top tips and trick that are gonna, that are going to help you get more viewership and engagement.
So the first thing I would consider is when you are recording a loom, figure out what you are going to have up in the background of your loom.
Now remember when you record a loom it's going to show a thumbnail preview of, that's a moving thumbnail preview of what you have shared on your background, and it's gonna be a moving thumbnail of your face.
So my first tip for you is to start your loom recording with a larger camera bubble, like so make sure to move it over to the side.
If you record it in the middle of your screen, you're gonna have this play button in your face. So move it to the side, have a larger camera bubble and wave in the beginning.
You can dance, do something with a smile that looks engaging. You can, as you're recording, shrink your cam bubble down and move it away off to the side.
So let's think about what we might have up in our loom recording. In order to get somebody to want to click on this and want to view this.
If I'm reaching out to a customer or a prospect for example, and I'm having a hard time getting them to respond to me, here's what I do.
Let me show you. I pull up their photos, their LinkedIn photos on the back of my screen. I put my Campbell in the middle and I wave.
And you can see how this would look engaging for somebody to want to click into. So that's my first tip.
Large Campbell wave, pull up people's pictures or something engaging to look at. My next tip for you is to consider how you are sharing your loom.
So if I, in this case am in a sales role and I'm reaching out to a prospect who I really want to show up for my demo I am going to share this by email and I'm gonna use my social button here.
And what I'm going to do is when I click on that share and Gmail, it's gonna create this, oops, that's cloud HQ something else.
Okay, it's gonna create this embedded loom for me. Now you can see why this would be much more appealing for somebody to look at and engaging than just a text email.
It is noisy out there in the marketplace. We need to make a way, find a way to have our emails stand out.
And having a video embedded is a really good way to do that. Our research shows that having simply having the word video in a subject line is going to increase your email open rate by about 6%.
So that's just even one little tiny tweak you can do to get more viewership on your loom. Okay? The next thing you can do is consider how you are titling your loom.
So let's go back into my Loom library here. And there's a couple best practices when you are titling your loom.
Let me, me go ahead and find a good example for you here. Okay. So what I typically will do is I will, of course type the subject.
So edits to the slide deck, and I like to indicate in the title how long this loom is. So that when somebody sees this come through in an email or perhaps it's embedded in a slack, they know how long they have to commit to the loom.
It's not a great experience when you open a loom thinking, you know, it's gonna be a two minute watch. You can quickly watch it between meetings and it's actually a 16 minute loom.
So I will indicate in the title how long it is so people know, you know, whether or not they wanna invest the time in this at this point in their day.
And I also recommend a playback speed for them. A lot of people don't know that you can increase your playback speed in a loom.
So I throw that right in the title and it will prompt people to watch it in a higher playback speed.
We actually just released a brand new feature here calls video settings. Okay. In your video settings, you can now recommend a playback speed to your viewers.
And this will have a popup suggesting that playback speed too. So we wanna give people time back in their day you know, so we're not spending, they're not spending all day, you know, watching video content.
We wanna encourage them to get time back in their day. A couple other things you can do to be a good loom recorder and to really make the best use of your audience's time is add timestamp chapters in your loom.
As a bre best practice, we say to keep your looms under five minutes long. Looks like I'm creeping up on that time here.
But if your loom is longer, what you can do is add timestamped chapters directly into the description. And these are clickable for people, so they'll be able to click through to different points in time.
The next thing I would do is consider how you are sharing your loom. You can always add tags to your loom.
This is gonna add it to a collection of similar looms in your workspace. It also makes the loom searchable by this tag rather than just by the title.
So I always add as many tags as I want in order to get more engagement on my loom. And then when you're sharing your loom, you can you know, post a loom to the entire workspace.
This is gonna share this with everybody at your organization. And it is going to then appear in the loom homepage.
And this is a great place to come to stumble across looms from other individuals in your org. So if you wanna get the maximum amount of eyes on your loom, post it to the loom homepage and it will appear here.
And the more views it gets, it will become a trending loom and be up at the top of this homepage.
Okay, I hope that was helpful. Sorry, this is a little longer than my five minute best practice. Let me know if you have any further questions.
And thanks for the question. Take care.
Show Transcript
Hey Serena, this is Brittany again. Wanted to record a quick loom for you on how to get more people to view your looms.
And I'm gonna show you some of my top tips and trick that are gonna, that are going to help you get more viewership and engagement.
So the first thing I would consider is when you are recording a loom, figure out what you are going to have up in the background of your loom.
Now remember when you record a loom it's going to show a thumbnail preview of, that's a moving thumbnail preview of what you have shared on your background, and it's gonna be a moving thumbnail of your face.
So my first tip for you is to start your loom recording with a larger camera bubble, like so make sure to move it over to the side.
If you record it in the middle of your screen, you're gonna have this play button in your face. So move it to the side, have a larger camera bubble and wave in the beginning.
You can dance, do something with a smile that looks engaging. You can, as you're recording, shrink your cam bubble down and move it away off to the side.
So let's think about what we might have up in our loom recording. In order to get somebody to want to click on this and want to view this.
If I'm reaching out to a customer or a prospect for example, and I'm having a hard time getting them to respond to me, here's what I do.
Let me show you. I pull up their photos, their LinkedIn photos on the back of my screen. I put my Campbell in the middle and I wave.
And you can see how this would look engaging for somebody to want to click into. So that's my first tip.
Large Campbell wave, pull up people's pictures or something engaging to look at. My next tip for you is to consider how you are sharing your loom.
So if I, in this case am in a sales role and I'm reaching out to a prospect who I really want to show up for my demo I am going to share this by email and I'm gonna use my social button here.
And what I'm going to do is when I click on that share and Gmail, it's gonna create this, oops, that's cloud HQ something else.
Okay, it's gonna create this embedded loom for me. Now you can see why this would be much more appealing for somebody to look at and engaging than just a text email.
It is noisy out there in the marketplace. We need to make a way, find a way to have our emails stand out.
And having a video embedded is a really good way to do that. Our research shows that having simply having the word video in a subject line is going to increase your email open rate by about 6%.
So that's just even one little tiny tweak you can do to get more viewership on your loom. Okay? The next thing you can do is consider how you are titling your loom.
So let's go back into my Loom library here. And there's a couple best practices when you are titling your loom.
Let me, me go ahead and find a good example for you here. Okay. So what I typically will do is I will, of course type the subject.
So edits to the slide deck, and I like to indicate in the title how long this loom is. So that when somebody sees this come through in an email or perhaps it's embedded in a slack, they know how long they have to commit to the loom.
It's not a great experience when you open a loom thinking, you know, it's gonna be a two minute watch. You can quickly watch it between meetings and it's actually a 16 minute loom.
So I will indicate in the title how long it is so people know, you know, whether or not they wanna invest the time in this at this point in their day.
And I also recommend a playback speed for them. A lot of people don't know that you can increase your playback speed in a loom.
So I throw that right in the title and it will prompt people to watch it in a higher playback speed.
We actually just released a brand new feature here calls video settings. Okay. In your video settings, you can now recommend a playback speed to your viewers.
And this will have a popup suggesting that playback speed too. So we wanna give people time back in their day you know, so we're not spending, they're not spending all day, you know, watching video content.
We wanna encourage them to get time back in their day. A couple other things you can do to be a good loom recorder and to really make the best use of your audience's time is add timestamp chapters in your loom.
As a bre best practice, we say to keep your looms under five minutes long. Looks like I'm creeping up on that time here.
But if your loom is longer, what you can do is add timestamped chapters directly into the description. And these are clickable for people, so they'll be able to click through to different points in time.
The next thing I would do is consider how you are sharing your loom. You can always add tags to your loom.
This is gonna add it to a collection of similar looms in your workspace. It also makes the loom searchable by this tag rather than just by the title.
So I always add as many tags as I want in order to get more engagement on my loom. And then when you're sharing your loom, you can you know, post a loom to the entire workspace.
This is gonna share this with everybody at your organization. And it is going to then appear in the loom homepage.
And this is a great place to come to stumble across looms from other individuals in your org. So if you wanna get the maximum amount of eyes on your loom, post it to the loom homepage and it will appear here.
And the more views it gets, it will become a trending loom and be up at the top of this homepage.
Okay, I hope that was helpful. Sorry, this is a little longer than my five minute best practice. Let me know if you have any further questions.
And thanks for the question. Take care.
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Tyson QuickCEO, Postclick
My new daily email habit. Begin writing an email. Get to the second paragraph and think 'what a time suck.' Record a Loom instead. Feel like 😎.

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David OkuinevCo-CEO, Typeform
My teammates and I love using Loom! It has saved us hundreds of hours by creating informative video tutorials instead of long emails or 1-on-1 trainings with customers.

Erica GoodellCustomer Success, Pearson
Loom creates an ongoing visual and audible experience across our business and enables our employees to feel part of a unified culture and company.

Tyson QuickCEO, Postclick