Vinay Hiremath
CTO & Co-Founder
7 posts from Vinay Hiremath
Inside Loom
Building in the Open and Putting Reliability First

Vinay Hiremath
CTO & Co-Founder

Use Cases - Engineering
Explain, Document, & Review Code With Video Messages

Vinay Hiremath
CTO & Co-Founder
Introducing the loomSDK – the record button for the internet

Vinay Hiremath
CTO & Co-Founder

Inside Loom
We Built The Fastest Video Editor So You Can Record and Share with Confidence

Vinay Hiremath
CTO & Co-Founder

Inside Loom
Loom for Teams — Now Available in Beta

Vinay Hiremath
CTO & Co-Founder
Inside Loom
Loom Desktop Application Security Fix

Vinay Hiremath
CTO & Co-Founder
Use Cases - Engineering
Engineering Lessons Shipping Loom Pro

Vinay Hiremath
CTO & Co-Founder